Pints in a gallon

There are 8 pints (pt) in 1 gallon (gal) in the US customary and imperial systems of measurement. Pints and gallons are both measurements of volume and capacity.

Pints to gallons conversion

The following converter can be used to convert pints to gallons or gallons to pints. Just enter a value in either pints or gallons to convert between the two.


Convert pint to gallon

To convert pints to gallons, divide by 8. To convert gallons to pints, multiply by 8.

How many pints in a gallon

There are 8 pints in a gallon in both the US customary and imperial systems of measurement. However, since the US customary and imperial systems have different definitions of the gallon, 8 pints in each system represents a different volume. In the US customary system,

1 pint = ⅛ gallon = 473.176 mL

In the imperial system,

1 pint = ⅛ gallon = 568.261 mL

Below are some pints to gallons conversion examples.


1. Convert 23 pints to gallons:

23 pt ÷ 8 = 2.875 gal

2. Convert 12 gallons to pints:

12 gal × 8 = 96 pt

These conversions only work if we are using the same system of measurement. If we are converting from imperial pints to US customary gallons, we need to take the definition of their gallons into account.

What is a pint

A pint is a measurement of volume in both the US customary and imperial systems of measurement that is equal to ⅛ gallon. US pints and imperial pints have different measures based on their definitions of the gallon.

US customary pint

There are two types of US customary pints: liquid pints and dry pints.

Liquid pint

A liquid pint is a measurement of volume in the US customary system used for liquids. The relationships between liquid pints and other measurements of volume are shown below.

1 US liquid pint = gallon
  = quart
  = 2 cups
  = 16 fl oz
  = 473.176473 mL
  = 0.83267418463 imperial pints
  = 16.65348369 imperial fluid ounces

Dry pint

A dry pint is a measurement of volume in the US customary system used for dry ingredients such as flour, quinoa, rice, and more. The relationships between dry pints and other measurements of volume are shown below.

1 US dry pint = 0.015625 bushels
  = 0.0625 pecks
  = 0.125 dry gallons
  = 0.5 dry quarts
  = 550.6104713575 mL
  = 0.96893897192092 imperial pints

Imperial pint

An imperial pint is a measurement of volume in the imperial system of measurement. Unlike the US customary system, the imperial system does not distinguish between liquid and dry pints; it only has one definition of a pint:

1 imperial pint = gallon
  = quart
  = 20 imperial fluid ounces
  = 568.26125 mL
  = 1.20009499255 US liquid pints
  = 19.21519881 US fluid ounces

What is a gallon

A gallon is a measurement of volume in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement. It has different definitions in both, and other measures of volume in each system are based on the respective definitions of the gallon. Within each system however, the relationship between the gallon and measurements such as the quart, pint, and cup remain the same. The table below shows some common relationships:

1 cup ½ pint ¼ quart gallon
1 pint 2 cups ½ quart ⅛ gallon
1 quart 4 cups 2 pints ¼ gallon
1 gallon 4 quarts 8 pints 16 cups

US customary gallon

The US customary system has two definitions of the gallon: the liquid gallon and dry gallon.

Liquid gallon

The US liquid gallon is equal to 3.785411784 liters.

Dry gallon

The US dry gallon is equal to 4.40488377086 liters.

Imperial gallon

The imperial system only has one definition of the gallon. In the imperial system, 1 gallon equals 4.54609 liters.

Pint to gallon conversion table

The table below shows some common pint to gallon conversions.

Pint Gallon
0.01 0.00125
0.1 0.0125
1 0.125
2 0.25
3 0.375
5 0.625
10 1.25
20 2.5
50 6.25
100 12.5
1000 125

These relationships are the same for both imperial and US gallons. Recall however, that both systems have different definitions of the gallon. The table below shows the relationships between common measures of liquid volume in both systems in terms of liters.

Unit US customary system (L) Imperial system (L)
Gallon 3.785 4.546
Quart 0.946 1.137
Pint 0.473 0.568
Cup 0.240 0.284
Fluid Ounce 0.030 0.028