
In mathmatics, a graph is a type of chart that shows information, ideas, and relationships. There are numerous types of graphs used in many different contexts, and there are advantages and disadvantages to using any type of graph. A graph is most effective when it is used in the correct context, so it important to consider what type of graph best suits your purposes.

In statistics, examples of graphs used to represent data are bar graphs, histograms, picture graphs, pie charts, line graphs, line plots, and stem-and-leaf plots.

In algebra and geometry, number lines are used to graph ordered pairs, equations, and other mathematical relationships.

Advantages and disadvantages of common graphs

These are just a few of the more commonly known and simpler graphs used. There are many more graphs that can be significantly more complex. Even with these relatively simple graphs, we can see that there are various advantages and disadvantages to using each. Learning more about each, as well as about the many other types of graphs we can use, can aid us in using the most effective graph for the data being studied.

Bar graph



Line graph



Pie chart




